Friday, November 13, 2015

Happily Breaking Up To Pieces?

If life is a test, I have failed and I am failing.

I am 50 years old.

-no "real" friends
-limited family
-no family or kids of my own
-no girl-friend/ no wife
-small income
-high apartment rent (studio)
-high expenses
-no savings
-car needs "a lot" of work
-presently broke

Bible quote from a friend.

"We also rejoice in our suffering, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope."       Romans 5, 3-4  NIV

I just don't know.  Sometimes life makes sense.  Other times it doesn't.


Happy some of the time.  Kind of happy under the present circumstances - go figure.

Optimum situational happiness for me (other than church):

                                          -some beer
                                          -some cigarettes
                                          -a sunny, clear with a few clouds, 72 degree day
                                          -space to lay down

Sloth may be one of the deadly sins but, ohh soo heavenly!!!!

Happy Friday 13th


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