Saturday, October 25, 2014

Standards & Ramen


Trying to maintain a style of living may be too much to handle.  Being Mr. or Mrs. perfect just doesn't work in the real world.  The guys who are billionaires seem to have the perfect life with "all that money" but, something must be missing in their lives.  I think it applies to everyone.  No matter how satisfied you get, contentment and satisfaction do not last.  You can taste it but you can't keep it permanently. 

No matter where you are in your life, you will have to put in some effort & hustle toward some goal or endeavor even if you are not really really struggling. 

Some movement must take place.

Some thought must occur.


"Realize that life is an end in itself.  Functioning is all there is".  -Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr.

Yes and no. 

God has an idea.  God has a plan. 

Moving on:

Not all ramen noodles are made the same. 
In my opinion, Nissin Ramen (chicken) is much more flavorful and satisfying than Maruchan Ramen. 

Maruchan - Powdered, cooked chicken
Nissin - Powdered chicken and "rendered" chicken fat

What ever makes them different, I will get Nissin from now on if I can.  I don't think Wal-Mart, which is my main store of choice, sells Nissin so, ShopRite it is for noodles at least.

Just talking.

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