Friday, May 30, 2014

An Open Letter

To a blogger who will remain nameless:

I followed you on the internet for over eight years.  I commented on your blogs.  We exchanged emails a little.  We were "open" to a degree with each other.

We had something (so I thought).

Out of the blue, you get married to a guy that you didn't mention was in your life.  You marry a real prince no less.  How was that suppose to make me feel?

I got upset and said some negative things that, maybe, I should not have said.  I was hurt.  You "broke my heart" then silenced me out of your internet life by leaving the blogosphere.

I found your new blog recently and made a few attempts to re-connect.


Do you hate me because I am, maybe, not at your level financially?  Do you dislike me because I gave you a taste of my dark side?  Do you not talk to me because I listened to you (familiarity breeds contempt)?

I accept that you are taken off the market.  I respect your choices.

You are beautiful, attractive, intelligent, smart, and sexy.  I loved you.  I will always love you no matter what.  I will not apologize for "going dark" on you and getting angry though.  No physical violence will come from me except in defense.  I will not stalk you.

May you prosper, get out of debt, and be rich some day, but, may you have a strand of hair on your head that goes grey that you can't dye & can't get rid of.

Love You


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