Friday, July 18, 2014

The Carl Fox Way

Probably most of the passengers of flight MH-17 were innocents.  War, money, wealth, and profit at the expense of lives is not good.  Granted, the fact is "some" will suffer and/or die, but, it is wrong when 90% or more suffer & die.  With our technology, most should be able to live good lives.

I am at the bottom.  I have been lower than my present bottom.  Those experiences remind me that if I EVER rise to some serious financial heights, it will be, for me; fuck everybody, my time.

In the movie Wall Street, Gordon Gekko was a bad guy.  If you read Wall Street the book, you would of gotten some background on the G.G. character & found out that he started relatively with nothing at a young age & clawed his way to the top, in the trenches, mostly alone.  He earned what he had be it legally or illegally.

My point is the Carl Fox character is ethically correct, but, the Gordon Gekko character is realistically correct.

Kind of a paradox.

No one gets through life without touching on some negatives.  You will feel pain, suffering, stress, pressure, confusion, etc., some time in your existential journey.

Just Some Talk

Bottom One percenter

P.S.  I'm still pondering a movie that is over 20 years old.  Dude - it really was a good one.

P.P.S.  Time, Space, Dimensions, Light, Parallel Worlds.  J.S.T.

P.P.P.S.   This woman I knew was a Bi-lateral, Interpretive, Teaching, & Coaching Historian.  Good work if you can get it.

P.P.P.P.S.  What did Hitler know to lead him to do what he did?  Just sayin'.

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