Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Where have I been?

New personal finance book out -

Money, Master The Game      by Tony Robbins

I bought Personal Power tapes by Mr. Robbins back in the day when they were advertised on infomercials.  He's a positive, good-guy with good ideas.  I'm not a quadrillionaire but I'm much better off for having purchased his tapes.  I bought quite a bit of his other stuff too. 

His take on the money game will be interesting. 

To paraphrase some guy - "There is a crime behind all fortunes." 

Robert Greene's books seem more in tune with what it takes to get rich, but Mr. Robbins is a good guy. 

Not too sure what to think.

No woman, no crime.  No crime, no money.  No money, no woman.      -  wow

I bought and will read this book. 

Anyway, you know, Just Some Talk.


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