Saturday, March 14, 2015

They WILL Take Your Money!

I'm use to paying some of the time part cash and part debit card for some of my purchases.  I may be low on cash, I may want to conserve the cash that's in my pocket, etc.  I do do a "two phase transaction"  once in a while. 

I was really low on cash, well, not enough dough to make a purchase of a portable CD player for my mom.  Sitting in my car in the Walmart parking lot, I came up with the idea of paying part cash and using two different debit cards to make the purchase.  I ask the cashier at the self-serve section and she said, "sure, no problem."  I walk to the electronics department, get the device, then, boom, I pay for it using twenty dollars cash, four dollars on one debit card, and 48 cents on the other debit card.  Smooth as silk.  I and you now know of a way to pay for stuff in a pinch.  My mom says that poor people use the part cash/part debit payment method.  Hello ma??  I'm not exactly part of the top ten percent of wealthiest people in the world!!!  

Do what you gotta do and be thankful that you can do what you can do.

Just some talk.


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