Friday, March 6, 2015

One Of The Worst Jobs I Ever Had

I was a "job floater".  I've had over 75 temporary and permanent jobs in my life-time.  One job that stands out in my mind as being hellish to me was working in this one factory.  It was a Nabisco plant.  They were making margarine in boxes.  My job was to unload every box as it came down the rolling, wheeled conveyor and palletize them.  I had to move skids (wooden pallets) in place after the completion and removal of a load of margarine.

If I had the weapons then that I have now, I could of dealt with it, but I quit after one day.  You're in this tiled room with no windows, by yourself doing labor that the regular, permanent employees probably will not do.  It wasn't really difficult for me except the part about working alone in a relatively small room.  I'm an only child and I had no wife or children & I lived alone in a studio apartment.  I know I would of been too tired to go out after work let alone be able to financially afford to go out so....

I'm not too much of a people-person but that type of disconnected isolation was draining physically and painful psychologically.  One man's heaven is another man's hell some of the time.  Most private-sector employers don't give a rat's ass about front-line people who do the grunt-work.  Everyone is in it for themselves - I get that, but doing something you know the top people wouldn't consider doing is kind of not cool.  Persisting, going on & dreaming of one day getting a promotion then realizing after years of service that you are now 70 years old & they want to replace you is tragic beyond tears (hypothetical example).  That shit is ice cold!  Watch out, be cool, make good decisions & handle your business.



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