Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Random Blogging

I may not "know the streets" but....  Two pieces of road from my area were acquired by me in my travels.  I guess I picked them up just to have if not for conversation pieces.  With the snow we've had up here in the north-east, potholes have cropped up.  Road salt and plowing probably also contributed to road damage.  Do you think it's illegal to "own the road?"  I was a tax payer so I think I'm entitled to "hit the road" when I want to no less own some of it.  I probably will not hit the roads because I'm not too violent a person.  I'll just put them in time-out.  Don't ever cross the streets.  They may seek revenge.  These roads are nice.  They are quiet & don't cause a lot of trouble (bad writing, I know, but somebody has to do it).

This girl has a Nikki Minaj thing going on and I really like Nikki Minaj.  I may be shallow but girls who look like this...tingling in my nether regions for sure.  I like most women.  For a guy sex without love is still sex - wanted & desired.  This 26 year old Canadian probably sent out a mass wink on the dating site because she didn't view my profile.  She says in her profile that she will travel if airfare and accommodations are paid for.  I now know for sure that deep love, love that doesn't care about how much money you have, how beautiful/handsome you look, how smart you are, etc., is very, very, very rare.  For a woman, attraction to someone is mostly determined by the size of the intended's wallet.  Love doesn't last long in sickness, for poorer, or through thin.

When you least expect something, it happens.  LOL...I am a really on person expecting anything to happen so nothing probably will happen but maybe it will.

SURPRISE!   Miracles never cease.  Miracles never occur.  Paradox.  Insanity (temporary).



Bottom One Percenter

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