Tuesday, February 10, 2015


As you guys may already know, I had a crush on a fellow female blogger for a bit.  I'm a little over it now since she made it crystal-clear that she's not interested.  I feel bad and lonely but when I watch Days Of Our Lives some times, even though it is fiction, I don't feel so bad.  A character named J.J. was dating this girl (I forget her name) then they broke up because he slept with someone else but that someone else turned out to be the girl's mom!  I think on tomorrow's episode, the girl will find out who J.J. was sleeping with even though they are not together anymore, I bet she will still be furious that her mom got with her former boyfriend.  I tellin' you, this is real Jerry Springer ish!  I may be lonely, but I'm not on a super rollercoaster ride that is bound to crash & burn. 

Anyway, have a good week everyone.


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