Tuesday, February 17, 2015


Continued from part one...

I go in and inquire about the sign.  The manager said the system was down and they could not take credit or debit cards.  Luckily, I had some cash on me so I could buy some of what I wanted.  I was thinking this was bull, but remembered that this sort of thing happened at Aldi with other people's Family First food stamp cards more than a few times.  They said they couldn't process the cards so I guessed this store's system was truly down.  Guy behind me in line had an arm full of stuff.  I stepped to the right after my transaction was complete to straighten out my wallet & bagged goods.  Guy behind me hands the cashier a credit card.  The cashier tells him cash only & hands him back his card.  He leaves his stuff on the counter & walks out empty-handed.

BOOM --------cash is king.

If a marriage goes sour and one of the partners "has most of the control & power" the other person may get hurt.  Trust, but watch out for yourself.  I've been vulnerable.  I've been hurt.  I've been hurt to the point of not being able to function ---not being able to get out of bed.  No more for me.  I may be poor and alone, but, I have some power.  I CAN buy some ice cream at 2am in the morning and this contributes to some of the happiness I have.

Most people live live's of quiet desperation.

Fuck that!

Put on the mask of anger, discontent, poverty, insanity, desperation, etc., in public but be happy in private.  Your big secret.

The Millionaire Next Door.

Matress Mogul

"What is the name of that song? 'Money can't buy me love.'  The trouble is it can.  Money can buy you anything.  Anything you like.  It can buy you love, respect, loyalty, anything.  It's wonderful being alive."     ---Mr. Polandry    ---  The Krays

Upon reflection, that makes most women hoes but that is for another post.

My two cents for today.


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