Friday, April 5, 2013


I have only written one poem, in my life, to a girl who worked at a Hyundai dealership.  It was a while ago & it was after she had me banned (for lack of a better word) from visiting her at her place of work.  I got signals from her & I thought she was into me but I guess I was wrong.  Anyway, I am going to throw in some poems (written by others) on my blog to add a a little different content.  BTW, if you have any thoughts on any of my posts, feel free to comment.  Good or bad, all comments are welcome.  I may or may not respond.  Thanks.

Dylan Thomas

Johnnie Crack and Flossie Snail
Kept their baby in a milking pail
Flossie Snail and Johnnie Crack
One would pull it out and one would put it back.

O it's my turn now said Flossie Snail
To take the baby from the milking pail
And it's my turn now said Johnnie Crack
To smack it on the head and put it back.

Johnnie Crack and Flossie Snail
Kept their baby in a milking pail
One would put it back and on would pull it out
And all it had to drink was ale and stout
For Johnnie Crack and Flossie Snail
Always used to say that stout and ale
Was good for a baby in a milking pail.

The book that I got this poem from was copyrighted 1957.  It made me smile.  I hope it did the same for you.  [Ja Ja Ja Johnnie Crack :) ]


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