Monday, April 22, 2013

Last Thursday's Words Today

If there are no secrets - if we live in a world of "free and open information", then why is some information classified top secret by the United States government?  I'm just saying we are all ignorant on different levels.

Surprise?  surprise surprise surprise.  


Frontal view of the DeLorean from a previous post.

Rolls Royce.  I heard that these cars are hand-assembled hence the high selling price and high status.


No trinket trash treasure to report except a metal socket that goes to a socket wrench.  I hope this is a good omen toward me going to and successfully completing my auto tech training.  There is a lot to know.  When training is over it is just the beginning because you need a lot of experience.  A while back, Shawnna over at Debtchallenger blog said you should try to have a career & not just a job.  Well, this is the real deal!  I'll be starting in life late but this career will probably consume the rest of my working adult life.  I will not get rich but I will be out of trouble, keeping busy, and possibly a contributing member of society.  Believe me, I like my life the way it is now but I must "add to the universe" & not just be a drain on the universe.  'Til next time.


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