Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Howdy Y'all

Doo Doo Dish

A couple of years back, I had a problem with my toilet.  There was the sound of water trickling in the tank section.  I had a work-order filled out (I rent) & one of the maintenance guys fixed it.  Fast forward to three months ago.  The trickling water sound comes back.  I find that when I jiggle the handle, the sound stops.  I do this for a while until jiggling the handle no longer works. I tackle the problem & this is what I found:

A deteriorated flapper.  I replaced the flapper. . . living happily ever after now with a noise-free toilet.

Car Of The Moment

This is an El Camino.  The lady said her son lets her drive it.  Other than the fading paint, it is in great condition.


I found these items on two separate walking trips.  I think consumer confidence is starting to rise.  Purses & wallets are starting to open.  My advice to myself and you readers is to stay on the "frugality train" until you have a $50,000.00 stash of cash.  You won't be so vulnerable with a rock like that.




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