Monday, April 22, 2013

Holey Jacket

Today I replace my favorite hoodie jacket.  The old hoodie was dirty with holes at both elows , a rip in the back, and fading color.  I love that jacket but my mom says "people are talking", so I got a new, grey hoodie jacket.  Bad move imo.  When I'm in the old jacket, people leave me alone.  They may talk but they don't bother me much.  In the new jacket I was hit up on three times in one day for stuff & the day wasn't even over!  I'm visiting my late aunt at the cemetary and a guy has the audacity to ride up to me on his bike and ask for a cigarette.  I declined but he persisted and I end up giving him one.  On my way to the deli a woman outside of the deli asks me for spare change.  I give her some thinking that there is no such thing a spare change in this day and age.  The aura is so strong that a friend of mine calls me to ask for a ride somewhere.  I'm away from my home-town so I turn him down.  Shucks, I drove him to four places yesterday!  The new jacket makes me out to be okay.  The holey jacket says I got nothing so you might as well not ask.  I guess when I'm with my mom I'll wear the good stuff and when I'm by my self I'll be bummin' with my favorite jacket!!!  


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