Thursday, May 10, 2012

Dream - Nightmare

So, I'm in my old neighborhood, outside, trying to go home.  There is a large motorcycle gang circling the buildings.  I am scared.  I enter in the front of one of the buildings.  Upon reflection, this is not the building I live in at the time.  I go into my friend Stanley's building.  The guard is preoccupied with someone so I go in through the unlocked door.  I and quite a few others are waiting for an elevator.  After a while I get on one with a few other people.  This is not an ordinary elevator.  It is a super elevator or an elevator from hell.  I press the button for the fifth floor.  It passes my floor and stops on other people's floors.  The last stop was the "11,000th"  floor.  It goes up and down skipping my floor each time.  A lady on the elevator asks me my name.  I partly comply by giving her my middle name.  She gets off on a high numbered floor.  It goes up and down & it never hits 5.  I'm on there for about three hours trying to get to my stop.  I decide to get off and walk down to my floor.  I get off on something like the 11,470th floor.  At this point of being "trapped" on there, I don't care if I have to walk down a whole lot of flights of stairs.  I get off then look for an exit.  I can't find one.  I walk, looking for a stair case.  I get to the end of the floor.  The door at the end of the hall is cracked open.  I walk to it to enter.  Someone says my name from behind the cracked door.  I say yes, feeling relieved that someone came to my rescue.  I get pulled into the stair case forcefully by two big guys.  Just as I wake up, my pillow falls off my head to the floor. seemed a little too real!

Bottom One Percenter

P.S.  Burning some lollipop sticks produces an interesting fragrance (I may have too much time on my hands :)  ).

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