Friday, May 11, 2012


If someone approaches you, gives you a hard luck story, then asks you for money, do you give them some?  A lady came up to me today and told me about her stalled car & wheelchair bound daughter.  She then asked me for four dollars.  I had to say sorry.  First, I had no available funds.  Second, how are four lousy dollars going to help you?  Third, you looked like you were putting on a show that really didn't seem sincere.  Sorry babe, I got bills of my own.  I'm driving a thirteen year old economy car.  Ask that guy in the 2013 Mercedes Benz over there for some cash.

When I came out of the pharmacy, her husband tries to ask me for money.  I turn him down too.  Why don't they ask some of the people working in the store?

When I smoke, people ask me for cigarettes.  I give it to them if I'm acquainted with them & I have a good supply.  Most of the time I say I'm low on cigarettes.  When I'm low, I turn them down even if they offer me money for one.  Hhhhmmmm, I'm going to start asking people for free cigarettes & free money.  I might as well get some of the pie!!  Uh, excuse me miss, my baby's mama needs some milk for the baby, some gas for the minivan, and some cigarettes for me.  Can you spare four dollars?  A**hole mode in effect!

Bottom One Percenter

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