Sunday, August 4, 2013

Who's Who?

You never know who might have "real" power in a relationship.  A little while back I met a guy who lives in my apartment complex, we'll call Skipper.  Skipper drives an old, distinctive vehicle.  It kind of stands out so you know Skipper when he is riding in his car.  From casual conversation I deduced that Skipper is a simple, clueless, jockish, soul who is just getting by.  Well, one day when I'm leaving a branch of my bank I see Skipper at the counter and there is a very large stack of cash money on top of the counter.  We didn't see each other because I remember this incident before we became acquainted.  His car is just that recognizable.  You kind of notice people in passing in the neighborhood & it sticks to your memory.  Anyway, interacting with Skipper is kind of a chore because he sounds overbearingly positive.  Nothing wrong with being positive but I was a little put back by his dominating conversational style.  We say we are going to the local bar for some beers together some time but I'm just being nice.  He might be just being nice & it might be me who is not trying but...I just don't want to hang out with this guy.  My regular 7-11, down the street, was recently closed so I have to go to the one further down which means I have to make some kind of complex turns & unusual routes to get to and from this 7-11.  On my way home, I make a turn down a side-street coming from the 7-11 & I see Skipper's car parked out front of a house.  You know it when you see it.  A few days later, we talk & he asks me if I'm a cop to which I say no.  He must of seen me drive by his car that day thinking I'm following him.  I take the same route from the 7-11 tonight after getting my lottery ticket at about 9pm and I see his car again.  Same car, different day, not where I think it should be on a Sunday evening.  Clearly, he has something going on that I don't know about.  All I'm saying is he might be the owner of the 13 building apartment complex I live in because a third party management company runs the property.  He may live off campus but comes by to inspect his property daily.  If he is anything like management, then he is a ruthless, uncaring, son-of-a-bitch.  Just saying, you never know who has "the power" in some relationships if the power is lop-sided.  Who's Who?  I would have to do homework to find out but I really don't care to put much effort into a project that isn't going to make me any money so....


The Philadelphia Soul beat the Orlando Predators 59-55 to advance to the conference championship.  They will play the Jacksonville Sharks next week.  GO SOUL!!!!!

Bottom One Percenter

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