Friday, August 23, 2013

Momentous Life-Altering Exchanges

I was an undeclared major entering college.  I was verbal weak and math strong.  I asked a chemistry professor, intending to major in chemistry, if I should proceed because I got a D in calculus I in my freshman year to which he responds saying that I should probably not pursue a chemistry degree.  I took his advice and now I'm definitely not a chemist!  

"Work"  -  making a living and making a life by Joshua Halberstam, Ph.D.


A young aspiring violinist manages to get an audition with the great master.  He takes out his violin and plays for an hour.  At the end of the session, the master says to the young man, "I'm sorry, but I suggest you choose some other career.  Your technical skills are fine, but you lack the essential fire in the belly."  Disheartened the young man gives up on becoming a professional musician and instead goes to medical school.  He does well there and goes on to have a prosperous and fulfilling career in medicine.

Our story picks up twenty years later at a party when our successful doctor again meets the great violinist, now old but still vibrant.  He reminds him that they had met many years before when he auditioned for the master.  "I've always meant to ask you.  You suggested that I should not pursue a career as a violinist because I didn't have the fire in the belly.  How did you know?"

"I didn't," the maestro answers.  "I say that every time anyone auditions for me."

"But how could you?"  The doctor is flabbergasted.  "Suppose it wasn't me, but a future Jascha Heifetz or Itzhak Perlman or some new great talent you'd be discouraging?"

"You don't understand," explains the master.  "When they have the fire in their belly, they don't care what I say."

I got hosed!!  You really have to sometimes defy authority to get what you want.  Under certain circumstances "breaking the law" may be a good thing.  All advice and guidance is not good.  Just sayin'.  


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