Friday, March 8, 2013


I was visiting the shop that I usually take my cars to for maintenance & repair to shoot the shit with the guys there for a bit.  I was there for a good ten minutes around the area when all of a sudden I see this:

A DeLorean DMC just pops into my view!  This babe was sweeeett!!  They don't make these any more.  I don't know the specs (google them if you must) but back in the day. . . this stainless steel puppy was theee car!!!!  It was not for sale (lol, like I could afford it) & I think the owner had it in the shop for repairs.  He/she is one lucky dude to have a DeLorean.  Now, back to our regular program of the poverty-stricken life that is mine.

B.O.P.  out
P.S.  Back To The Future bitches :)

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