Wednesday, February 10, 2016


I have now seen, in it's entirety, the original movie, The Wizard Of Oz. 

For a G rated movie.  .  .  Wow.

Dorothy (Judy Garland) was a hot, young, babe yo.  If she had done Playboy magazine like Marilyn Monroe did, she would have been  a super-hot celebrity in my opinion. 

I didn't get her name but the wicked witch (of the west?) was Super-hot!!! :) .   They said she was ugly but I thought she was not bad.  I loved the fact that she was power-hungry.  She may have been bad but she was good in a way. 

If this was real, she definitely would not have had a random bucket of water out for her to be vaporized by Dorothy.  Lol, the real ending would have been the Tin man, the Scarecrow, and the Lion would have been killed.  Dorothy would have been killed and the witch would of gotten the ruby shoes!!  The witch would of eventually "taken down" the Mighty Oz and she would of ruled the Land Over The Rainbow unchallenged. 

Hhhhmmmmm.  Creative license. 

Just sayin'.

That movie was made a long time ago.  The brought in a lot of little people to do the munchkin roles.  The special effects were not bad even for today's audience.  For a Kansas family trying to get by, they seemed a little too "energetic" and alive in their personalities struggling.  (Were they struggling to survive?).  Other than the time when she got poisoned by the sleep flowers, Dorothy was always "on".  She really had her energy-drinks throughout the movie. 

Dancing and singing, a good movie for all.  There's no place like home.  



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