Monday, February 3, 2014

Fiction For Real?

I saw the movie Elysium and in it were a lot of future technologies.  Technologies that have not been realized yet.  There was this one that I don't remember what it was called but, it was some sort of "healing chamber".  A person lies on the bed, then is enclosed by a glass/plastic cover.  The machine proceeds to identify the problem then corrects the problem.  I saw a lame girl healed & walking again.  I saw a girl with a blood disease cured.  Then I saw a guy whose face was blown off have his face reconstructed (healed) to almost better than it was before the accident.  I know it's "movie magic" but, what if??  I heard of an idea called "impossible technology".  It seems far-fetched but you gotta dream.  You gotta push the envelope.  When the impossible becomes possible - nonsense to sense - , shit happens!  Dr. Hamer, we can save the world!  Maybe not now but in the future.


Bottom One Percenter

P.S.  To the Italian Treasures sales woman - if you found my blog, congratulations.  I hope to see you later.  When my cash-flow increases I will buy Barack & Michelle if they are still available.

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