Thursday, June 6, 2013

Relationship update

I was walking down an isle of Walmart and the woman I was interested in came down the adjacent corridor.  I stopped and looked at her. 

Lady - Why are you standing there?

Before I could respond, she turns to her left and walks away.  I follow her for a few seconds then she turns around to head in another direction.

Me - I wrote you a poem.

Lady - No you didn't.  Leave me alone.

Me - Okay.

I turn and head toward the electronics section to recover by looking at dvds in the $5.00 bin.  She thwarted my advance but I could tell she was nice about it (thanks for the attention and interest but I'm just not interested in you).  I guess I will not be wearing her down.  Maybe another life-time.  Anyway, on to better things.

If you are reading this:

Fuck you bitch!  I LOVE YOU.

Plenty of fish in the sea.  Where the hell is my fish!!??!!?


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