Monday, June 24, 2013


I got tired.  I got tired of changing the water in the two fish tanks.  I released Spot & Goldie, my goldfish, into a local lake yesterday.  May God be with them.  I had them each for over five years.  I loved them and they both gave tremendous love in return which I could never repay them for.  You are not suppose to release domestic fish into the wild but hey, better let go in a lake rather than down a toilet, not that they would fit but you get the idea.  If I had a dog or cat I would be in trouble because they would probably be put to sleep.  God forgive me for being a weak man.

More apartment inspections.  I was called & informed that maintenance will do a "pre-inspection" of my apartment tomorrow for a fire marshal inspection some time later.  LOL --wow.

The strip-club in my area has been closed down and fenced off.  This particular establishment was a noted landmark so I don't know what they were thinking.  Because of this closure we are sure to have more real crime in the area with all that pent up lust building.  I didn't go there.  I go to one a few towns over  :) , which I think is still open thank God!

While I am writing this I get a response call from my apartment alarm letting me know that someone has entered my apartment without my consent.  The thing about my alarm is that it doesn't know when to stop calling.  I'm in the library right now & I've received seven to eight calls so far from my apartment.  I would call the cops but I just don't care any more.  Living in fear of eviction is tiring.  Living in fear because you don't live up to the standards of others sucks!  Being afraid sucks!  I just don't care any more.  FUCK THEM.    LOL, at least my fish are free to put up with other stressors.  Spot, Goldie, take me with you!!

Bye Spot.

Bye Goldie.


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