Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Life-Boat Decision

If you went to college, (maybe even in high school), you were introduced to the life-boat scenario where some have to be "let go" so others may survive.  Certain death to a few so the majority can live.

For the longest time up until now, I always thought there must be some kind of solution so that everybody could make it.  Nobody left behind.  All make it through the ordeal.

I see the light.

Some must die so others can live.

I had a few guppies in my tanks and the water stayed clear & fresh for a good while.  Their quality of life was good to excellent.  Then, they started having babies.  It was fine for a bit - a few more to take on - no problem.  Then the babies started having babies and over-crowding occurred to the point where the water is always cloudy & dirty and I can't keep up cleaning the tanks.  The capacity of the filters is exceeded by the fish output.  Their lives have declined in goodness.  Yes, they have family, but the family is living in a land-fill.  I feel bad for them.  I would of given them guppy birth-control if it was available but, no dice.

This is one of the most difficult decisions I've had to make.  Yes, they are just fish, but they are life-forms and nobody really wants to die.

I'm probably taking this too seriously but...in a sense, size doesn't matter.

If you were abandoned by society, cast off from the group & flushed down the toilet of life to fend for yourself, you would be pretty pissed.

I will say a prayer, but by the time you guys read this, I will have committed mass fish-murder.  Whirl-pool of death, please honor those you take  & admit them to fish Heaven.

It is and it isn't   -  that deep.



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