Saturday, May 23, 2015

Had to blog about this!

I'm sitting in my kitchenette finishing my ramen noodles preparing to handle my business while riding out this holiday week-end (lol, bone-dry broke) thinking I'm alone when I look over in my sink and see this...

This dude looks much bigger in person yo!  I think it's a species of a Brown Spider that may be native to the United States.  

Scared the crap out of me but I looked him/her over, started talking to him and observed that one of his legs is stuck on the fly trap.  I would like to release him but, he's history because I really don't want to get bit.  

I don't know why I felt the need to share this but I am.  I used the little gas I have to drive to the library to post this.  I hope you "enjoyed my surprise & fear"  :)

Happy holiday guys.



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