Thursday, April 9, 2015

Making It

If you've ever been truly "on your own", just your God and you, you really (at least you should) appreciate the money that you earn.  Real work makes money real to you and you will not frivolously spend or waste it.  You will respect other people's time & money because they may have gone through some shit to get their money just like you did.

I believe that self-support (with the help of God) & being debt-free, if you're so lucky, is the mark of achieving true adulthood.  Bullshit jobs, nepotism, and favoritism, is kind of okay if you can swing it but you are not a real adult.  Surviving then dying in "the jungle", serving your time in hell is excellent honor.


P.S.  Smarten up folks, the shit is about to hit the fan!

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