Sunday, October 13, 2013

Chump-Change Money Talk

I just got my copy of this year's Forbes 400 magazine where they list the 400 richest Americans    & William (Bill) Henry Gates III is the richest American again for the "umpteenth" time.  Mr. Warren Buffett, the number two guy, is pictured on the cover.  I drove to my local B&N and they didn't have any copies left so I drove to a news agency in my father's  "neck of the woods" & acquired my edition for the royal sum of $7.48 with tax.  I'm glad I got it but the price broke this camel's back.  I'm going to have to perform magic to cover two up-coming automatic payments from my checking account or be hit with an over-draft fee.  I can bet that my credit-score is crap already so this will not help me if I fail.  Wish me luck.  Abracadabra, hocus-pocus, cash come to my account, in real real focus!!!


P.S.  The thing is, Bill Gates was so rich that at one point he gave away half (50%) of his wealth to good causes and he is still number one on the list with a good lead on Mr. Buffett.  It kind of doesn't matter, but, it kinda does.  If winning didn't matter, no one would keep score.  Just repeatin' something someone once said.  Just sayin'.

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