Monday, July 29, 2013

Ethics, morals, judgement, sin

Why follow "the rules" if they go against your well-being?  Sometimes it is said that rules are made to be broken.  When do you break the rules?  Snowden leaked sensitive information about misconduct practiced by the government.  Is he a bad person?  God is good.  Does might make right?  Why is bullying wrong if survival of the fit applies to the universe?

9-11-2001 shook the United States to it's core and empowered the 3rd world.  Vietnam war - if you can't beat them and you can't join them then fuck them & terrorize them.

The drama of the daily news is intoxicating.  As long as you're not a part of it, everything is cool right?  Heaven?  Hell?  If you really think about the possibilities you'd realize this is some scary shit!  

Why?  Because.

I just saw two kids outside my window playing barefoot in heavy rain.  What are the parents thinking?  I think pneumonia is the next step in line for these children if they don't get inside soon!

Spiders have to eat, right?  Or not.

This is what happens when I don't have any beer in my apartment - crappy blog posts about stuff I have no control over.  Lord, it's miller-time, please help a brother out!!!!

Just some talk

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