Friday, May 31, 2013

some thoughts


How now brown Cow      cooperation            caring capitalism

stars        Candy bars        cars        jars

It is the responsibility of the individual to get and have money.

There are those who have and those who don't have.

To be a have, you must think of yourself as important.

You must self-label yourself as royalty.

Death to life - you must raise yourself up through sacrifice by living the living death until your income can support an elevated lifestyle.

Every day is not a highlight.

You must do some form of work every day.

Self-medication is needed to survive.

Every day is a war.

Every day requires effort.

Secrecy is success, success is secrecy.



Jesus Christ.


Love Phenomenon.

Your money is an extension of you.

Your money is your life-energy.

People want your money.

People want your shit.

Give a little, take a lot.

Over-generosity can "blow your budget".

The blackness, keep ta keep on.  Never say die.

Control yourself.

Bottom One Percenter

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