Tuesday, January 29, 2013


I just recently read that pain is the seed of either a reverence toward life or killing. 

I'm thinking that the avoidance of pain is what keeps a lot of people going.  Anthony Robbins said that we (people) want to avoid pain and gain pleasure but we will do a whole lot more to avoid pain than to gain pleasure. 

I'm thinking that consciousness is a response to avoiding pain and/or gaining pleasure.  One tries to survive with the least pain & the greatest pleasure.

You should have goals.  Maybe not.  Having goals means doing almost what ever it takes to achieve your objective no matter how painful or pleasurable the turns and twists may be. 

You must fight, then rest, then fight some more. 






Connection.  Relationships.  People needing people. 

It's a jungle.  Do what you can, where you are, with what you've got.  Live life.  Be aware of the possibilities.

Have some chocolate cake!  Then smoke a cigarette.

P.S.  When I win the lottery, I won't be so fucking analytical.  I'll be able to pay for some sex then things will be co-pathetic.  Bahh!!  out :)

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