Monday, April 25, 2016

Stuff Is Always Going On

I thought Rihanna's album Anti was only available on iTunes and Tidal.  I was in Walmart the other night. . .no title and no words.  Just a picture of the child with the crown pulled over his eyes and a sticker on the front indicating that it is Rihanna's album.  It's not in your standard CD jewel.  It's packaged in hard paper covered in shrink-wrap.  I'm not even totally sure it is in fact a CD!  They have the regular version ($12 bucks) and the deluxe version ($16 bucks).  I may buy one when I get some cash.  Choosing between cigarettes and music that I can get at the library basically for free is a hard decision because if I buy the CD, I can have the music at home.  Decisions, decisions....

Thought my dad hated me because he's always on my case.  Dude dropped $16K on a new used Honda Accord for me!!!  MY FATHER BOUGHT ME A FUCKING CAR!!!  I bought my last car but it was probably not going to pass it's upcoming inspection unless I got a worse-case scenario repair of about $1,500.00 which I didn't have and my father was not going to put money into a 17 year old car. 


Lol, God is good.  My dad  Sometimes you just don't know when you think you know.



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