Thursday, June 18, 2015

it's official

By this evening, my mom will be put in a nursing home. 

It's not too far from where I live so I should be able to visit a bit.

I'm not happy about this but I'm not sad either.  I think it's just her time to wind down her life.  I didn't make the decision, the hospital doctor did.  I just chose the facility where she would live. 

She is my mother and best friend. 

Thanks for listening.  Pray for her please.


P.S.  When I think about the nine church-goers who were killed recently, I feel that my mom is not that bad off.  No real comparison, but it kind of puts things in perspective.  Thanks.

Saturday, June 13, 2015

daily life drama

I had to take my mom to the hospital last night because she had a bad reaction to something that made her tongue & throat swell up.  Not sure what caused the swelling but she is doing much better now.  She is still in the hospital probably because they want to make sure she is doing okay.   

I was outside of the hospital smoking a cigarette after I had just visited my mom today and I saw some "cold-blooded" event happen.  

Scene:  Van parked outside of the hospital.  Meter-guy preparing to ticket the van.

Lady - Boss,...boss, I'm getting a patient from the hospital and I'll be right out.

Meter-guy - Okay.

He pauses as the lady steps into the emergency room entrance.  He then proceeds to give the woman a ticket even though she specifically asked to gentleman in no uncertain words to give her a break.  Black guy, white woman. should cut some slack for people under real stress yo.  Dude, you are a bad cookie.

In my previous post I said I would "let go" most of my fish and just save a few.  Well...I still believe there is a solution to the life-boat scenario.  I got off my lazy, fat butt and changed the tank water & cleaned the filters.  Two to three deaths at most.  I'm such a wimp.

Love life:  I introduced myself to a lady I often see at the library and we talked for a bit.  She is nice.  She looks regular without make-up but I bet she is hot when made up.  Anyway, she seems friendly and I might try to take it to the next level next time I see her.  Next level meaning more conversation and getting to know one-another better.  For me it's friends first.

Apartment inspections, car work, jumping on my writing work (other than blog), stuff is happening.  I have to motivate myself to do the writing thing because I've been seriously slacking off.  It just seems to be a chore lately.  

Anyway, have a good one everybody.


Bright Opulent Playboy

P.S.   My man below!

Just thought I'd add a photo of...G.G.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Life-Boat Decision

If you went to college, (maybe even in high school), you were introduced to the life-boat scenario where some have to be "let go" so others may survive.  Certain death to a few so the majority can live.

For the longest time up until now, I always thought there must be some kind of solution so that everybody could make it.  Nobody left behind.  All make it through the ordeal.

I see the light.

Some must die so others can live.

I had a few guppies in my tanks and the water stayed clear & fresh for a good while.  Their quality of life was good to excellent.  Then, they started having babies.  It was fine for a bit - a few more to take on - no problem.  Then the babies started having babies and over-crowding occurred to the point where the water is always cloudy & dirty and I can't keep up cleaning the tanks.  The capacity of the filters is exceeded by the fish output.  Their lives have declined in goodness.  Yes, they have family, but the family is living in a land-fill.  I feel bad for them.  I would of given them guppy birth-control if it was available but, no dice.

This is one of the most difficult decisions I've had to make.  Yes, they are just fish, but they are life-forms and nobody really wants to die.

I'm probably taking this too seriously a sense, size doesn't matter.

If you were abandoned by society, cast off from the group & flushed down the toilet of life to fend for yourself, you would be pretty pissed.

I will say a prayer, but by the time you guys read this, I will have committed mass fish-murder.  Whirl-pool of death, please honor those you take  & admit them to fish Heaven.

It is and it isn't   -  that deep.

