Tuesday, July 22, 2014


Jake Mendelson was an average nobody. He was going through his life with no aspirations or grand plans other than to see himself through to the next day.  He was 19 years old, worked at a car wash, and still lived with his parents.  Jake's grade school and high school years were ordinary.  He decided not to go to college or to join the military.  He had only a few friends.  He never had a girlfriend.  He paid his expenses with the money he made at his car wash job.  He saved his surplus cash in a coffee can underneath his bed.  He had no plans for the money.  He just stashed it "for a rainy day".  Jake wouldn't call himself a religious fanatic but he believed in a higher power.  He would go to church every Sunday to pay homage to the powers that be who or what ever they were.  Jake was your basic good guy.  He lived a reserved life based on today's standards.  He didn't have much of anything but he was honorable an noble.  Jake didn't want much of anything.  He was happy to be able to party some of the time.  When he did party, he danced and drank.  He had good clean fun.

The powers that be looked into Jake's heart and saw an innocence that was usually gone by the time people reached Jake's age.  Jake's soul was clean and uncorrupted.  The powers that be thought it was a fluke so they tested Jake several times to see if he was...true.  He passed test after test.  One day they gave him an unpassable test.  They were going to corrupt Jake.  They thought it was time he "joined everybody else".  Jake failed a morality test.  He was a lost soul.

By some miracle, Jake overcame.  Some way, over time, Jake re-cleansed his spirit.  Jake maintained his faith and, with time, passed the un-passable test.  The powers that be were astonished!!  Surprise.  After the un-passable test, Jake was never quite the same but he was honorable and noble nonetheless.

The End

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