Monday, July 14, 2014


Negative things

1   Low net-worth
2   Low income
3   Lonely
4   I'm an overall loser
5   Future high expenses starting next month
6   My apartment is a crash-pad for a friend
7   Car mirror not fixed yet
8   Fish tanks need water changes
9   Car seat-belt light on when it shouldn't be on
10 Three coveralls worn out
11 Home internet out
12 I have no real friends
13 No girl-friend
14 Contemplative
15 No cash
16 M.M. stopped communicating with me on dating website
17 Internet acquaintance shut her site down


1  Fish are mostly good
3  I have some cigarettes
4  I have a roof over my head
5  My car runs
6  I have some food to eat
7  I have plenty to read & possibly re-read
8  I have an income
9  I'm mostly healthy
10 On good terms with parents
11 Contemplative
12 Mostly happy
13 I have some clothes to wear
14 I have some goals & dreams
15 God is there
16 Baseball field visits available
17 On the road toward building a life


I think I'm among the lucky ones even though I'm mostly dirt poor.

Being poor vs. being broke?
For another post



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