Monday, July 14, 2014

Big Smoke, Big Mirrors

There was a Star Trek The Next Generation episode where a lost astronaut was taken care of by higher beings.  He was provided with all of his needs based on a novel set in a casino.  He was well taken care of, but, basically he was a prisoner.

Heaven can be hell and hell can be Heaven.

I read a quote that basically says you make your own reality.  A man in Heaven can still be miserable while a man in prison can be free & engaged.   (?)

I figure drastic, forced, environmental change will shake up the best of us.  This is probably where one must improvise, adapt, and overcome.  I heard IAO from a Clint Eastwood movie called Heartbreak Ridge which imo was very good.

Learning can take place almost anywhere, not just in a classroom which may be a punishment/prison in its-self.

Do the best you can, where you are, with what you've got.      -anonymous

Do what you can, where you are, with what you've got.      -Theodore "Teddy" Roosevelt

Ups    -    Downs    -    Level & Even

Ride on.

Bottom One Percenter

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