Friday, June 28, 2013

Q - T's

I let Spot & Goldie go, hence, I got lonely.  I bought four feeder guppies.  I didn't know they existed.  I was going to the pet store for two Rose - Reds but their tank looked good whereas there were a lot of dead fish at the bottom of the feeder guppy tank so. . . cheap pets saved from being Oscar food.  They are "the chosen".  They are very small.  Two to a tank seems good.  I shouldn't have to change the tank water every week which is what wore me out.  Hopefully these guys will be low-maintenance friends.  No names yet being that I can't tell who's who so names will come later.  The fearsome foursome have already lifted my spirits a bit so maybe this will be a good thing for me and the guppies.  Wish us well please.


P.S.  Just looked in on them after giving them some food.  One crisp is bigger than one guppy's whole body & the crisps are pretty small.  

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