Tuesday, June 4, 2013


Contrary to popular belief, if you are rich, you are not 100% "care-free".

Jack Reacher  starring Tom Cruise was a good movie.

Financial basics must be practiced every day.

You will have set-backs but you must press on.

Yard by yard it's hard but inch by inch it's a cinch.

It is good to have goals but you must be about the money.

The accumulation of money must be an end in itself if you aspire to be a miser.

Be and do good most of the time.

Everyone has a dark side.


Might makes right.

Absolute power corrupts absolutely.



Money can do a lot.

Man's laws.

God's laws.

Nature's laws.


Idle hands are the work of the devil.

Doing the devil's work is okay some of the time.




Why?  Because.


Sometimes you gotta be "crazy".

How now brown cow.

Too much truth can be a bad thing.

Love Phenomenon.

When you think you've got it figured out, in baseball sometimes you find you don't know nothing.

--Yogi Berra

The Philadelphia Soul are 5 - 5.  They just came off a loss to the Arizona Rattlers last Saturday by a score of 64 - 57.  The Rattlers beat the Soul earlier this season too.  Head coach Clint Dolenz will have to spark a fire under the player's butts if they want to make it to and win this year's Arena Bowl.  Dear Mr. Jaworski, owner pep-talks may help.  Just saying.



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