Tuesday, February 19, 2013

What a date

Some times I feel like one of the Africans, recently featured on 60 Minutes, who had the facial deformities, because, obviously, I repel.  The lady that I had a date with (breakfast date) stood me up.  I know it's a numbers game & you have to have a "thick skin" but damn!  When you say you're going to show up...show up - be there.  I was actually early so I couldn't of missed her.  It hurts a little, but I'm okay.  What I have learned & just conveyed to an acquaintance of mine is that, basically, you really have to have your life together - money wise and charisma wise.  The day before the date I got the digits from a lady outside of a restaurant.  She wasn't too hot but she was pretty plus she was kind of a BBW, brick house, which is okay in my book.  Still in the game - still sniffing out the discount yamomasa!  When life gives you lemons, you throw that shit out, buy some pineapples & bake a fucking cake God damn it!
Hell Yeah!
Lessons to be learned, life to be lived.


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