Monday, February 25, 2013


Secrecy is success, success is secrecy.    -Fred Lennon

I believe that the quote above is mostly true.  The opposite, transparency, openness, exposure, etc., has something to it.  There is a certain amount of freedom being an "open-book", but we all have secrets, even ones we hide from ourselves.  There is a universal connectedness between everything & everyone so...there  is secrecy but the element of time brings into & pushes out of the sphere of the unknown.

The best is the guy who has the most in all walks of life.  -Fast Eddie Felson (movie quote)

I never judged a man's success by the size of his wallet.  -Carl Fox (movie quote)

You decide.  For me, I will refrain from a lot of exposure of all kinds.

Shut the hell up B.O.P.  You talk too much!!!


Bottom One Percenter

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