Sunday, April 8, 2012

Wake Up Sleepy-Head

                                            Photo Credit: "The Truth About Money" by Ric Edleman

If you are not inside, you are outside.  An acquaintance of mine believes that people can be too rich.  When there are others struggling and scraping to just get by, rich & super-rich people live the beautiful life.  I think everybody should experience what it is like to be at the bottom.  If you've been at bottom & you somehow make it near or to the top, you will have no regrets about being one of the wealthy.  I have worked low status, low paying jobs most of my life.  No one really cares about you, just what they can get from you.  Your employer would have you as a slave for no pay if he could.  I have been going through life believing that love is all.  I now realize that love is not enough.  I've never been rich but if I ever get there, I will try to hold on & get richer for the rest of my life.  I "was" a 40 year old virgin (41 to be exact).  I would still be a virgin if I didn't break the law and pay for sex.  Sad but true.  We may be civilized, but it is still a jungle.  Eat or be eaten.  As a child you are blinded by ideals of goodness.  When you can see the truth of man's inhumanity to man, you will be awake.  There is a place for charity.  Mother Teresa did good work.  If you are healthy, you must struggle & fight for most of what you get.  You must pay the price even if you don't have money.  THERE IS NO FREE LUNCH.  I thought that if the words & phrases exist, then the concept can possibly be true.  Semantics.  There is no free lunch.

"You adapt, evolve, compete, win, or die."    -Paul Tudor Jones

Smoking is good for you.  Cigarettes are packed with vitamins, minerals, anti-oxidants, and omega-3 fatty acids.

You must find truth every day.

God's ways may not be man's ways, but as long as you are in the jungle....  Play life's game.  Compete.  Play to win.  Win.  Some insanity can be good for you.  BTW, I smoke.

Bottom One Percenter

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