Monday, April 9, 2012


Timothy Harris, Herschel Weingrod, & John Landis helped to make the film Trading Places starring Dan Aykroyd and Eddie Murphy.  They made the film where the character Ezra received a five dollar Christmas bonus.  Now I think that Ezra probably has been working all his life being that he was up in age and still served milk to the big shots.  Randolph and Mortimer could of at least given him a couple grand!  I received a $15.00 turkey voucher bonus for Thanksgiving a few times.  The film was made in 1983.  I got my fifteen buck turkey  bonus around 2003.  I'm not sure how that works out considering inflation but I think I did worse off than Ezra and he was a fictional character.  The idea of caring capitalism seems to me to be an oxymoron.  The Duke brothers summed up the way it is in the world - more for me and a crumb for you.  If I ever make big money, nobody is getting sh** from me!  I use to tithe to a few charitable organizations.  I was a Donny-do-good then.  I have changed my ways to dark-side-Donny now.  Good guys finish last and a**holes finish first.  I will be selective as a Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde personality.

Anything Goes

By Any Means Necessary

What Ever It Takes

A.B.W.  Smooth Criminal.  God help us all.

"Who ever said crime doesn't pay had to be kidding.  Crime does pay, and often very well."
                                                                                                -Joshua Halberstam, PhD

Bottom One Percenter
P.S.  Women love bad boys contrary to what they say.

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