Tuesday, February 17, 2015


"Secrecy is success, success is secrecy."     --Fred Lenon

A lot of personal finance people advocated the idea of making your money work for you by investing.  I partly agree on this point because it is mostly true.  What they fail to tell you (most of the time) is the importance of a "cash-stash".

Having liquid currency on hand in your house or apartment is vital in dealing with unexpected events (emergencies or opportunities).  Keeping it a secret away from all other humans (spouse, family, friends, government) is an important part of your cash-stash.  Money is a form of power.  Everyone should have some of this power.  Being able to buy some ice-cream at 2am in the morning should be the God-given right of every body on planet Earth should he or she decide to do so.  A little cash can make you feel good so just imagine if you had a cool $1 million stashed under your mattress.  You could lose it in a fire, but hey, people lose money in stock market crashes & corrections.  Life is a risk.  You can do everything right and still lose.  Having an edge - secret -secret money, can help you avoid a life melt-down.

I went to a local store one evening intending to buy some items.  I don't remember what I was going to buy (less than twenty bucks) but I was going to use my debit card.  I had money in the bank.  I walk up to the door, about to go in I see a posted sign written in black marker on orange flourescent poster-board --cash only.

---to be continued.


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