Thursday, October 9, 2014

Food Revisited

Got them on the blog this time yo. 

Change of subject:  What Is Justice?  Is there a deeper justice than what is on the surface?

The movie Bonfire Of The Vanities makes my point.  The guy did what he had to do to save himself. 

My mom is going through some issues where she is living.  I try to help but it just goes on and on.  Her difficulties are starting to affect my own personal "harmony".  I'll be okay but I hope she overcomes her apparent problems.

Blip: I was talking to a newly minted real lawyer about the show How To Get Away With Murder.  She saw the first episode, as did I, and said that the show was nothing like real courtroom life.  She flat out implied that the show had no semblance of truth to it what so ever. 

"There is some truth in fiction and some fiction in truth."  - anonymous

She might have been covering up for lawyers, being that she is one, to the idea that they do that kind of stuff.  Lawyers can be devilish noting the way this new woman lawyer carried herself (confidence and an air of "don't fuck with me or you will regret it) and how she spoke (conservative & with-holding with her words).  I think some of this show does have a little flavor of reality to it or she wouldn't have been so adamant to denounce its validity.

Anyway - Peace.  Talk at ya.


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