Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Penny Power

What is not seen, what is unimaginable may have an effect on economics.  What is very small may have an effect on economics.  The humble penny does make a difference.  If you don't respect your pennies, your dollars will not add up & respect you.  You mark my words, every penny counts!!

I'm a low roller but I do get to roll.  God knows I want more money but he also knows that I'm thankful for the small change that I have.

As Vicki Robin & Joe Dominguez say, your money is your life energy.  Use it wisely.

Side Note:  I get to blog because my night-school classes have been cancelled for the last two days of snow & record low temperatures in the north eastern United States.  LOL, getting fucked up on beer this afternoon was nice.  



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