Saturday, September 14, 2013

Night School

If things go as planned, I should be starting my auto technician training this Tuesday.  Three nights a week, four hours a night, lasting about nine months.  If things work out, I will get a job as a mechanic some time in mid to late 2014.  

My fantasy of becoming the first trillionaire is way out the window so I have to settle for what I can scrape up especially since my low-low-low savings rate of a penny a day will really get me no where.  If I have school success, I may be able to increase my savings but working for the money will leave me way-shy of my dream.

Anyway, being that I will be a little busy, my blog posts will be rare to none coming the next several months.  There are others in the blogosphere so you have my permission to stray, cheat, par-take of other people's blogs.  Come back from time to time to check in please.  Thanks for reading.


Bottom One Percenter

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