Friday, August 2, 2013

Disruption To My Flow

I get paid at the beginning of every month.  I usually hand in my check for rent to the apartment management a few days before the 1st of every month with a post-it-note on the check requesting that my check gets cashed on the last day of the grace period which is the 5th of every month.  Well, I check my account balance over the phone today and I find I'm $35.00 short of my total.  I find out that I was hit with an overdraft charge from my rent check which was cashed early.  I visit management & speak to a rep who says that I can no longer have them hold my checks.  The day you bring in your check is the day it gets cashed.  Hello?  You could of let me know ahead of time.  I was denied a refund.  $35.00 might not be much money to a lot of folk but, dude, I CAN WORK THIRTY-FIVE DOLLARS.  For me that's 2+ months worth of internet access.  That's 5 1/2 months worth of cell phone service.  That's a months worth of gas (economy cars-little daily driving).  Two month's worth of apartment electricity.  You get the idea.  Waste not want not.  I sound like Terry Crew's character on the TV show Everybody Hates Chris.  So what?!  I kind of understood his perceptions.  I tried to speak to the property manager but she steered me to one of her staff members.  Vivian, Ruth, and Meredith are total tools.  No heart.  Just business.  There is karma maybe so watch out ladies.  Take the hit, get up, dust yourself off, shake off the pain, then move on.  Paybacks a bitch.


Doo Whopp

Bottom One Percenter

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