Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Some stuff going on

One of my fish tanks sprung a leak.  When I came home the other night, Spot was floating at the  top of the water not moving.  Half of the tank water was on the floor.  I thought he was dead!  He almost died but he recovered after I put him in a separate oxygenated tub.  He came around in a couple of hours thank God.  I bought some silicone to try to plug the leak.  It takes 24 to 48 hours for the adhesive to cure so Spot has been in his "cell" for about three days now.  I will test the tank later today.  Hopefully Spots home will be almost good as new.  Tank repair silicone is expensive from the pet store.  If there is a next time, I will try Home Depot.  LOL, $8.99 plus tax for three ounces??!!?!  Ouch.

This is some of the recent stuff I bought that kind of satisfies my need to spend.  These things were not all bought at the same place but the total price was $3.35.  

Yeah, sooner or later I will wear this hat out in public.  What kind of fashion statement does this hat say?  When I'm alone what the heck!

3000 classic books on a USB flash drive for twenty bucks.  It may be too good to be true but I ordered it.  We shall see.  



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