Monday, January 7, 2013


                                                        $12.00 - el cheapo price, not bad quality.

Back in the day my father would constantly tell me to stop wearing "tennis" shoes & wear dress shoes.  I knew I was on the move most of the time & I needed to run some of those times so I believe I knew better.  I could always switch over when the occasion called for shoes.  Sky-blue Pro-Keds use to be the shit.  I thought I was all that and a bag of chips!  I started growing up and I lost track of what was hot & what was not.  Nike with Air Jordans came in but I was mostly an Adiddas/Converse man.  As you can see from the photo above, I now buy bo-bo's.  If they're cheap in price & they cover my feet...?  SOLD!  I'm all for supporting black celebrity athletes but, I would rather have Mr. James or Mr. Jordan giving me some money instead of the other way around.  $150.00 for a pair of sneakers (actually more I think)????  Can you say "sucker born every minute"?  I'm just sayin'.  If I was a billionaire I still wouldn't justify myself paying one hundred fifty dollars for tennis shoes!

Damn bro!


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