Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Bruce Banner smokes

Hello everyone.

Why is it that when I have cheap cigarettes, the ones that cost a little less than six dollars a pack, no one asks for any?  When I travel with my Shields or Pyramids, I don't get the time of day from anybody but the second I "upscale" to good smokes, people ask me for some left and right!!  When I have my Winstons, I'm almost the life of the party!!  They're just too expensive even at six dollars a pack.  Because I don't give anymore out when asked, not many people talk to me when I go out to smoke when I'm at my mother's place.  I feel a little bad but then I don't ask anybody for cigs when I'm out so I'm mostly cool with my behavior.  BTW, I recently bought a Hulk doll action figure from a thrift store for less than 40 cents which would probably go for a little < US$21.00 if bought new.  For the Love of God, why does the good stuff cost so much and why does everyone want some of it??  The Winstons cost more than eight times Mr. Greenman.  If thrift stores sold cigarettes, this would truly be a better world!!  Yeah, cigs are bad but they are so good??!!!!!!!!!


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