Friday, June 15, 2012


In my travels, I found some trinket trash treasure the other day.  The L shaped  thingy, the butterfly, and the piece of plastic can be categorized as T.T.T. but I think the small, empty, vodka bottle is just trash.

I knew I was poor but standing outside of myself & seeing me blog about T.T.T. has made me realize that I am very low class.  I am thankful for what I have but my life could be so much more palatable.  Relative to most Americans, I am financially poor.  Que sera sera.

This shoe has been on the side of the road (in my car trips not my walking travels) for weeks just sitting there.  On the way home, at night, I decide to stop, get out of my car and GET THAT SHOE!  Maybe I can refurbish it & wear it.  Upon closer inspection, I determine that it is a little too far gone.  T.T.T.?  Trash?  This goes to illustrate how tight money is in my life.  I'm usually more broke than the Liberty Bell.  Anyway, I'm keeping hope alive with a possible lottery jackpot win for real money.  Have a good one all.

"Money isn't everything, your health is the other ten percent."  -Lilian Day

Bottom One Percenter

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